Documents and forms – Doctorate

Important documents and forms for doctoral students at the Department of Earth Sciences at ETH Zurich.


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Detailed stipulations regarding the doctorate (D-ERDW), valid from 1 January 2022

Detailed stipulations regarding the doctorate (D-ERDW), for doctoral students with provisional admission before 1 January 2022

Documents for doctoral students with provisional admission as of 1 January 2022 (doctoral plan has not yet been approved)

Progress report and annual status conversation

Documents for doctoral students with provisional admission before 1 January 2022 (research plan has not yet been approved)

Legal basis

The doctorate is regulated by the Ordinance on the Doctorate at ETH Zurich and the associated implementing provisions of the Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate.

If the doctorate is linked to any employment at ETH Zurich, this is regulated by the Ordinance Governing Scientific Employees of ETH Zurich and the Directives for Doctoral Students Employed at ETH Zurich with the corresponding information sheet.


Mirjam Kandler
D-ERDW doctoral administration
  • +41 44 632 86 44

ETH Zurich
Dep. of Earth Sciences
Sonneggstrasse 5
NO D 63
8092 Zurich

Please send an email to or arrange an online or in-person meeting.

For further questions about the new ordinance on the doctorate, please contact directly.

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